Er. Shobhit Gupta 01-07-2019 1091
CODEIGNITER is a powerful PHP framework that can be used to develop websites, using PHP. It is an open source framework having a very rich set of functionality which increases the speed of web development and web based softwares work to a great extent. If you know PHP well, CodeIgniter framework will make your task easier, you will save a lot of time if you are developing a website from scratch. Not only that a website built in this technology is secure too, it has the ability to prevent various attacks too that takes place through websites.

This is an application development framework for people who develop websites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you are writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for common tasks as well simple interface for the logical structure to access these libraries.

It allows you to creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of given code needed for a given task.

It allows you to creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of given code needed for a given task.

Today Codeigniter is one of the best and most renowned PHP frameworks in web application development. If you are looking forward to developing the applications in a better way, then the only option is this web development framework. As compared to the other frameworks, in this technology, the development is fast and reliable with high performance in execution. The time and speed in Codeigniter Framework are significant. It is a simple, basic and well-designed tool for developers who are willing to create web applications and is ready to create a dynamic website.


  • It is fast, reliable, lightweight and more capable.
  • It makes your application run fast through Caching and Secures it from popular attacks like SQL Injection, XSS, etc.
  • Here the PHP development is the easiest way for modular programs.
  • Using this technology PHP development is compatible with most web servers, numerous operating system, and platforms.
  • It has an outstanding performance and as well as presentation.
  • In web development, most features are the same so that you describe the same code in a different way.
  • While using PHP framework Codeigniter framework is famous among developer because of effort investment.
  • In this type of technology the development can extend your PHP coding to get specific functions through the framework.
  • For many relational databases, PHP can be used.


Below are some of the best security features of CodeIgniter platform:

URI Protection: It helps to reduce the possibility of malicious data that sends any string to your URI strings.

XSS Filtering: This technology provides cross-site scripting filter comes with. These filters use tactics to try to steal your data or other cookies malicious JavaScript or other types of malicious things. The XSS filter should only be excluded. Filtering input data can change data in unnecessary ways, except for special characters avoiding passwords and enhancing security.

SQL Injection: In a SQL injection attack, the insertion from the client will insert the SQL query or "injection". Successful SQL injection query can read data from the database. Unauthorized user activities crawl functions and destroy the database from SQL queries.

CSRF Security: The CSRF is referred to as the cross-site request forgery, which is an invader's way of repaying their victim's wrong appeal to request. Codeigniter platform provides CSRF protection from the box, each GET HTPP request can be automatically triggered, but your specific forms must be submitted in a certain way.

Confirm input data: Codeigniter  platform is a form validation library that supports your data, sorting, and processing. If your application does not work in the case it always checks and erases all input data.


Many times, while using applications, we come across errors. It is very annoying for users if errors are not handled properly. This framework provides an easy error handling mechanism. 
You would like the messages to be displayed when the application is in developing mode rather than in production mode as error can be easily solved at the developing stage. The environment of your application can be changed. This can be set to anything but normally there are three values (development, test, production) used for this purpose.


Validation is an important process while building a web application. It ensures that the data we are getting is proper and valid to store or process. In  Codeigniter framework validation made this task very easy.


Like any other framework, We need to interact with the database very often and Codeigniter  framework made this job easy for us. It provides a rich set of functionalities to interact with the database.

Connecting to a database:

We can connect to the database in the following two way:s:
Automatic connecting: 
In Automatic connection, it can be done by using the file application/config/autoload.php. The automatic connection will load the database for each and every page. we just need to add the database library as shown below.

$autoload[ 'libraries' ] = array(' database');

Manual connecting: 

If you want database connectivity for some of the pages, then we can go for the manual connecting. We can connect the database manually by adding the following line in any class.

$this- >load- >database();

And there are endless things that we can achieve from this framework. Just learning it from the right place is required to start with it.

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