Er. Shobhit Gupta 02-07-2017 1509
With the rates of hardware being slashed down in the past decade, ease of work provided by the computers and globalization offered by Internet; almost all sectors of our society have become dependent on computers & internet directly or indirectly. Every year, a lot of customers are getting connected to Internet.

A website is one of the most powerful tools for communication and client building. There are no boundaries to what you can do with a website! Some of the reasons for you to get a website with your business establishment are discussed in the following section:

1. Establish A Presence

- More and more people are looking for services and products on-line than ever before.
- Add your web address to your stationary, business cards and other advertisements and you'll have visitors knowing exactly where to go for answers to their questions and where to send their friends for great service.
- The more people know about you and your company, greater are the chances you have for attracting new customers. 

2. More Advertising for Less Money

- With a web site you can have pages of full-color advertisements that run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
- You get to present yourself and your services to your customers using many descriptive pages, images, interactive elements, etc.
- This tends to build peoples' trust, which in turn, makes them more likely to purchase your products and services.

3. Branding

- Whether you sell products or services online or not, in today’s world you have to have a corporate presence on the Internet.
- Otherwise, as you must have noticed that people simply don’t take your business seriously if you tell them that your company does not have a website.
- A nice corporate site definitely increases the image of a company especially if it has great product or service related content to go with.

4. Perfect Venue for Business

- In order to make a sale you need visitors to come to your shop.
- On the Internet, your shop could be only a click away from your prospective customers.
- With proper marketing your Internet storefront can have more buyers than you ever can.

5. Bolster Your Current Ad Campaign

- Include your web address in your current ad campaign and people will turn to your site for more information.
- With your site address listed in your ad, you will have people coming to YOU to get that information and your services.
- A better return on your advertising dollar is another great reason to add a website to your marketing tool arsenal.

6. Save Time with Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Online

- Do you spend time answering the same types of questions for each of your clients?
- With a web site you can put the answers to these frequently asked questions online and have your customers visit these pages for a little self service.
- You can even email them out a link to these pages. Your customers will appreciate the knowledge that you will be providing them and it will not require much more additional time than sending them an email or recommending that they read your Frequently Asked Questions page.

7. Educate Your Customers

- The first step of any sale is getting the client familiar with what you are selling.
- Include articles of interest telling your potential clients about your services. When they call you to discuss your services, half the sale is already done; you've already given them your "pitch".
- You will even save time (and money) because the ones who do call are interested, warm (and sometimes hot) prospects, not just someone calling to gather information.

8. Get Referrals

- Referrals are one of the best ways for small businesses to get new clients.
- On your web site you can add a "refer a friend" link where your current clients (or just visitors) can send your link to a friend who may be interested in your services.
- This will increase your number of referrals and make it easy for people to refer business to you.

9. Create a New Customer Base

- With a web site you will be able to reach a whole new segment of potential clients that may have missed your current ad campaigns.
- A good, informative web site will attract many people who may not have heard of you otherwise.

10. Get Email

- With your web site you will also get email addresses for your business. On your site will be a link where people will be able to email you for additional information.
- This is a fast and effective form of communication that enables you to communicate very efficiently with potential customers

11. Establish a Relationship with your Clients

- People generally prefer to do business with people they "know." On your site you will give people the opportunity to get to know your business (and perhaps you) and feel more comfortable with you.
- Once this is established they will be more likely to want to do business with you as compared to the other, similar company whom they know nothing about.
- A picture or profile of you or your associates will make you more real to the client and make the client more likely to contact and communicate with you.

12. Gather Contact Information

- A traditional printed newsletter can be an expensive and time consuming promotional action.
- With printing, postage and time spent, the costs can add up fast.
- But with a web site, you don't need to pay for printing or postage for these newsletters.
- Continued contact with prospects is a proven tactic which directly leads to more inquiries and sales!

13. Provide Better Customer Support

- Customer accusation and retention is one of the key factors of business value chain.
- Thanks to Internet technology, business can provide customer support more effectively.
- Customer no longer need to be dependent on your phone number for discussing their issues.
- This means better customer satisfaction and increase of profitability.

14. Ability to do Business 24 X 7 X 365

-  The biggest advantages of online shops are that they are open 24 hours a day year round.
- Thanks to Internet off time, when your shop is generally closed, sales in some cases can be more than your regular business hours!
- More interestingly, you can operate your business from your home.

15. Cost Cutting
- Overall cost of running your business is decreased significantly.
- Some of the areas you can see the impact are:
   a) Advertising.
   b) Customer Support.
   c) Availability.
   d) Awareness.
   e) Reachability.

16. Go Global

- Thanks to Internet you can instantly become a global player.  In fact, you don’t have to invest large sums of money to do this.
- According to AMR Research more than 1,3$ trillion of good and services will flow through the B2B marketplaces.
- Getting online is becoming cheaper and easier thanks to emergence of new technologies.

ITSagar Solutions provides high quality web development and software development services with high levels of customer satisfaction. We ensure that your business objectives are refined and the website is capable of meeting your business objectives effectively.

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