Ayush Dhingra 12-07-2019 1299
cPanel is the most popular, widely used and probably the most powerful way to manage your websites and email accounts. cPanel provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to make website hosting simply even for non-techies. It provides capabilities for administrators, resellers, and end-user website owner to control various aspects of website and server administration through a standard web browser.

But the IT industry has been shocked by sudden price hikes by cPanel. So to overcome this problem we have managed to find 10 equally awesome, functional, versatile and best cPanel alternatives that will get the job done.


1. VestaCP: The VestaCP is one of the best-organized user interfaces of any website hosting control panel. All of the features, of which there are many, are integrated into a top menu that allows you to always keep all of the functionality close to hand. Another nice user interface is the graphics data display offered by VestaCP. The control panel automatically produces full-color graphs of web traffic and site bandwidth over multiple time periods, which makes it easy to monitor changes in how your site or your server are behaving. 

In addition to the basic features offered by most control panels, VestaCP includes multiple security features such as firewall and the ability to disable the root user. It is capable of handling high traffic websites just as efficiency as cPanel, while it also installs Nginx out of the box so you can set up different modes of your website, including caching and hosting.

2. Froxlor: Froxlor is one of the most attractive control panels. With this, you can get a quite user-friendly interface via which you are free to modify software and free to distribute software as you see fit. However, there is one catch you will have you make your changes available to the original source. Commercial use is also possible, as long as you disclose that your product uses Froxlor. 

This popular cPanel alternative allows 3 types of users: administrators, resellers, and customers. It doesn't include a file manager, but it lets you create an FTP account very easily.
Froxlor is the ideal cPanel free alternative. The control panel allows you to manage the resources that website owner hosts on their site. You can also allow website visitors to generate support tickets on your website and then respond to them through Froxlor.

This panel allows offers excellent security thanks to free encryption certificates provide by 'Lets Encrypt'.
You can add SSL to specific sites and manage your certificates, as well as choose whether individual domains are operating on IPV4 or IPV6.

3. ISPConfig 3: The ISPConfig 3 is the most versatile control panel on our list, ISPConfig 3 has pretty much every feature you will ever need from an open source Linux hosting control panel, as it offers 4 user levels: Admin, Control Panel User, Reseller and Client. Everything one needs, basically.

The Admin level lets you configure the server and administer all users, while Control Panel Users Level lets the user access only what the administrator specifies.  This means that one can allow access only to file manager or to administer mailboxes.

Reseller Level allows resellers to resell a set amount of resources that are allocated to them by the admin, however, the reseller can later make their own packages and resell them. Client Level includes usable resources assigned by the reseller, but the clients do have the authority to use everything allowed by the administrator and it is completely customizable.

4. ZPanel: It is simple and easy to use web hosting control panel written to work effortlessly with Microsoft Windows, UNIX, and OSX based server or computers. Zpanel is able to turn a home or professional server into versatile, fully fledged and user-friendly web hosting server which provides practically all the features one would expect in a cPanel alternative. ZPanel has a file manager, FTP account administration, MySQL database, and user administration, a DNS/domain manager and webmail while it is also packed with other useful features ideal for personal websites.

ZPanel is a true free cPanel alternative and is packed with many of the same features as the paid controller. As you might expect, it has a built-in file manager, FTP controls, database administration, and webmail features.

Another advantage of ZPanel is that it works with Linux, Windows and OSX servers.

5. Kloxo: The Kloxo is made by LXCenter. This control panel is a perfect substitute for cPanel as its makers have designed the interface to be almost identical to the one of cPanel. Kloxo integrates with WHMCS, Hostbil, and AWBS, which is a huge advantage if you use WHMCS or BoxBilling to manage your freelance clients.

6  CentOS Web Panel: The CentOS  Web Panel allows you to deploy and administer Apache web servers, firewalls, MySQL databases, SSL certificates, an Nginx reserve proxy, self-hosted email, and much more. You can also manage users, deploy backups, and keep tabs on your system's health via the monitor.

One unique feature of Centos Web Panel is its Auto-Fixer, which scans important configuration files and attempts to auto-correct them in case you make a mistake. To install, you need an updated CentOS installation, a functioning LAMP stack, and at least 1GB of ram. It's important to reiterate that CentOS Web Panel is only officially supported on CentOS WEB Panel. If you are running Debian/Ubuntu, you will have to look into one of the other options. Unfortunately, the CentOS Web Panel code is not fully open source, but it remains free for use.

7. Ajenti: The Ajenti is a comprehensive control panel that bills itself as an admin's tool for a more civilized age, providing you with a fast and secure way to manage a remote Linux box at any time using everyday tools like a web terminal, text editor, manager, and others. There's a responsive remote terminal, the ability to establish firewalls, install packages, manage users, monitor resources usage, and more. Ajenti also comes with a number of plugins with the ability to add more or develop even further with Python. And according to the Ajenti developers, the control panel "doesn't tell you how to do your job, leaving your system as indirect as possible.

It is the great control panel for those who already have a few services running on their server. Other panels simply wipe out existing configurations, but Ajenti promises to least attempt to pick up your current configurations without changing it.

Ajenti is a great control panel for those who already have a few services running on their server. Other panels simply wipe out existing configuration, but Ajenti promises to at least attempt to pick up your current configuration without changing it. Ajenti also considers itself "caring, " in that all changes are non-destructive and won't overwrite your files, options, and comments.

8. Yunohost: The Yunohost  bills itself as a "server operating system aiming to make self-hosting accessible to everyone." It is not meant to be as comprehensive as cPanel or Webmin, as it's the only goal is to install various self-hosted applications for you.

you won't find firewall managed or reverse proxies here, only a number of officially-supported "apps" for installing various programs, such as Baikal, Nextcloud, Wordpress, Zerobin and more. In this, you can administer your VPS via the YunoHost web interface or the command line.

Yunohost officially supports Debian 8 and is coded primarily in Python and under an open source GPL license.

9. DirectAdmin: The DirectAdmin is a graphical web-based web-hosting control panel designed to make administration of websites easier. DirectAdmin is often called DA for short.

It is web-hosting control panel software, similar to cPanel that allows you to administer your website and hosting options using a graphical, Web-based interface. You can manage the unlimited number of websites, email accounts etc. using a DirectAdmin control panel. DirectAdmin automates tasks so that web servers can be easily shared and gives web site owners a way to quickly set-up and manage websites. DirectAdmin allows you to easily establish and manage hundreds of websites. Its a very low cost control panel and has become one of the most popular web hosting control panels in use today. It has practically every feature that you would want to set up your website on shared hosting.

Features of DirectAdmin:

  • Create and manage email addresses.
  • It is used to Create and manage FTP user accounts.
  • It is used to manage DNS.
  • In this, we can upload and manage file using a file manager.
  • Manage MySQL databases.
  • In this, we can Backup and Restore site files and account data.

10 Sentora: The Sentora is free to download and free to use web-hosting control panel developed for Linux, Unix, and BSD based servers or computers. The Sentora software can turn a domestic or commercial server into fully fledged, easy to use and manage web hosting server.

Sentora is written in PHP and utilizes various other GNU/open-source packages such as Apache Https, PHP, Doveco, etc.

Its major features include support, scalability, robustness, and extendibility. It is released under GPLv3, this open source web hosting control panel makes managing your servers easier, secure and faster. The add-on store allows the clients to install, rate, publish and sell themes, modules, and localizations quickly.

Thus, there is nothing to be afraid if there is a hike in CPANEL Pricing, you can always switch to other platforms with great ease.

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