ISRO launches its heaviest Space project GSLV MK-III | Facts about GSLV M-III

Er. Shobhit Gupta 06-06-2017 1486
ISRO launches its heaviest Space project GSLV MK-III | Facts about GSLV M-III
With the launch of GSLV M-III, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has achieved another milestone in the field of Space Sciences on Monday, 05th June 2017. In recent years, ISRO has successfully completed several missions in the outer world including Mars and Moon missions and several other space launches that facilitated the journey of satellites from other countries too. Today, ISRO enjoyed another achievement by launching a tonnes heavy satellite through its giant rocket with 100% success. In the past, India was dependent on French Ariane 5 Rocket to launch heavy satellites but this rocket has provided another level of independence and a remarkable limelight to the Indian Space sciences on Global scale. Here are few facts that you shold know about the 'Fat Boy':

1. In the last two decades, after 200+ tests, ISRO succeeded in developing this completely indigenous rocket.

2. Out of 11 GSLV's launched by ISRO, only 5 earlier launches were successful while other landed in the seas.

3. GSAT-19 is the satellite that has been placed into orbit by GSLV MK-III.

4. GSAT-19 weights 3000+ kgs, thus making it as one of the heaviest payloads successfully carried by Indian rockets.

5. The weight of this 43m rocket reaching the height of a 13 storey building is equivalent to the combined weight of 200 fully grown Asian elephants.

6. GSLV works in three stages having two solid motor strap-ons (S200), a liquid propellant core stage (L110) and a cryogenic stage (C-25).

7. GSLV hosted the third largest solid rocket boosters on earth.

8. The rocket carried around 28 tonnes of propellants.

9. To increase the throughput of satellite, ISRO has used Multiple Frequency Beams instead of transponders.

10. India is planning to use this rocket for sending Astronauts in space.

11. The GSLV MK III D1 is capable of lifting upto 4000 kg payloads into GTO (Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit) and around 1000 kgs into LEO (Low Earth Orbit).

This is indeed a matter of proud for all Indians around the world.

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