Disadvantages of A WordPress Website

Aayush 21-09-2019 2612
WordPress is a Content Management System, that allows you to create and publish your content on web. Although it is mostly used for web publishing, it can be used to manage content on internet.

WordPress allows users to have full control over the files, documents, as well as the design and display of the content. Nowadays an average user or a small company had to rely on static HTML sites because they could not afford a content management system which would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Following are the disadvantages of a WordPress website:

1. Vulnerability

Unquestionably the biggest disadvantage of WordPress is its security. WordPress is an Open Source platform, and it relies heavily on plugins and themes for customization. Both the plugins and the themes are developed by different people and companies and since there isn’t anyone monitoring them, they can easily contain bugs or malicious code lines.

On top of this, as stated above, today, WordPress is the most popular content management system. This fact alone makes WordPress a prime target for hackers everywhere. As a matter of fact, according to a Sucuri report WordPress is the most hacked CMS platform worldwide

The plugins and elements that are used in wordpress, might look attractive but may have been developed by a hacker. Things might look attractive but in the background, hacker might be exploting that plugin to run away with your data and information.

2. Can be expensive

While the WordPress itself is free, when looking at the whole picture there are significant costs. WordPress relies on plugins and themes for customization, and while there are some that are free, they are not always reliable or safe. 

Furthermore, if you want your website to stand out and your visitors to have a great you have to buy a theme, as the free ones are overused. 

With numerous updates coming out constantly, it can become quite expensive to keep your website up to date. Naturally, if you’re a WordPress designer, or have the knowledge you can make a lot of adjustments yourself, but most people need to use a plugin or a well-developed theme.

3. Problems occur during updating

Sometimes a plugin or an update may clash with the functionality of some other plugin and cause your website to malfunction. This may result in a broken wordpress website or a website with a lot of errors or unexpected user experience. And everybody knows that a bad presentation to customer will result in negative business.

The more plugins you use, the more likely it is for you to encounter more compatibility problems. The whole maintenance process in WordPress can be quite challenging, and you have to be ready to make adjustments to your plugins and theme in order to have a functional website. 

If you don’t have the budget or the knowledge (design, programming), giving the fact that in general WordPress doesn’t offer support, and solutions can only be found on WordPress forums, chances are that you should choose another website solution for you.

4. SEO friendliness

WordPress is definitely an SEO friendly platform, but so is virtually any open source CMS. However, for the people with little to no SEO experience and knowledge, WordPress can create quite a few problems. Probably the most known one is caused by the WordPress category and tagging system. If the content is over-tagged or marked into many categories, Google will flag it as duplicate content, a fact that will affect your SEO rankings.

Loss of SEO may also be a result in some cases. Although you can fill your pages with a lot of keyword-rich content but using wrong or broken plugins, heavier theme, and bad codings will surely result in a slow loading website, which is one of the key factors for search engines. Slow loading websites are down-ranked by most search engines.

5. Customization needs Coding

To make certain change your WordPress site, you have to possess HTML, CSS and PHP knowledge. If you want to personalize in a unique way, or to enhance its design, you may find yourself needing to write numerous complicated code lines. 

If you’re in the category of people which possess the knowledge, things can go down smoothly, but if you try to write code without having the right expertise — most people in this category, you can make a lot of damage to your website.


Clearly, with WordPress, you can create great websites, as it has many advantages, that triggered its massive popularity. But choice regarding your website should be taken after you look and compare all the options, advantages and disadvantages. 

Maybe, despite all the hype, WordPress is not the right choice for you, and you’ll be far better with a website built from scratch by professionals.

Before making a decision, look at your needs, evaluate all the available options, taking into consideration both advantages and disadvantages of WordPress, and take the right step for you. Not taking a rational decision, and going with the flow may create a lot of problems in the future. The choice is yours.


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