Android Bug Bounty | Win upto 2 Lakh Dollars

Er. Shobhit Gupta 06-06-2017 1529
Google, the global leader in IT sector has increased its rewards values for hackers and developers who can identify critical bugs and propose security fixes for better performance and increased reliability of this world popular platform. With the launch of every version of Android, the challenge of keeping the platform keeps coming since numerous hackers keep on attacking the operating system to find vulnerabilities and exploit the same for gaining access to consumer gadgets and execute illegal activities including information stealing and money. To encourage hackers and developers work for the betterment of society, Google executes an Android Security Rewards program popularly knows as the Android Bug Bounty in which the contributions of security researchers and developers are recognized and awarded on making Android more secure. Public recognition and monetary rewards are provided by Google for each remarkable vulnerability exposed and shared with the Android Security Team.

The amount of reward depends on the severity of bug and completeness of report submitted which includes reproduction code, patches and test cases. The coding bugs should be running on eligible devices and should not have been covered by other reward programs organized by Google elsewhere. Even firmware level code can also be recognized in this program if the same impacts the security of Android.

The reward money can be maximized by including a detailed and comprehensive report with a working proof of concept, its effects, test cases, solutions and a possible patch. Make sure that no part of report has been disclosed earlier with any other party, otherwise your report may not be considered.

So, if you feel you are skilled enough to compete on a global level and can really do something different, then the Google Android Bug Bounty is your best bet and may prove to be a direct ticket to Google.

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